Our Story

My journey in the apparel industry started 20 years ago after I completed my professional course in Garment Manufacturing from one of the top fashion institute in India. Having worked in multiple corporate fast fashion apparel sourcing, production and product development roles with big corporations, I felt my reason to create ethically responsible products is being overshadowed by commercial interests. 
Fast Fashion is putting a strain on the environment which is unsustainable and an unfair business model. We can see our present drowning in chemical infested, cheap, less than ethically sourced products causing skin diseases, irritation. Investing in synthetic fabrics is like wearing plastic where your skin does not breathe naturally. It is harming the people as well as our planet and eating away our natural resources.

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I felt the need to detox and invest in a lifestyle which is built on eco friendly and sustainable products. My thoughts go to my 2 “Gen A” daughters, The Millennials and Gen Z  who have the opportunity to create a positive change by adopting a sustainable lifestyle through clothing and food we eat. Change begins at home and that’s how Mehisha Eco was born! 


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Our aim is to get everyone rooted to an Eco conscious lifestyle. Become an Eco warrior and help us in this journey - Sheena Singh, Founder at Mehisha Eco!